烈焰大王 2020-08-09 09:50:15
Thanks everyone for the interests in previous story and let’s continue.
For those who are into celebrity gossip news, you may have already come to the knowledge that the man who is behind the Tutuchee event is the notorious framing artist: Bro Lychee. He oversees an empire of commercial bloggers who, with his order, can distort facts in any ways they want.
The most classic work of his is the divorce case of Pan the Wronged. While Mr. Pan’s divorce case was underway, his scandals became viral. He was tied to all bad labels: domestic violence, gambling, and heavily in-debted. He lost any favor from the general public. His career was put to an end. Were it not for the hit TV Series “The Day Doesn’t Know The Night”, he would have totally disappeared from the public.
After Mr. Pan got his fame back, he mentioned in one interview that he had considered ending his own life. Thus, with more exploring efforts, people found out that it was Bro Lychee who had fabricated and put those bad labels onto Mr. Pan, as a way for Mr. Pan’s ex-wife to win the divorce case.
Now you know how vicious Bro Lychee is, and how he can distort facts completely.
Bro Lychee's most prominent PR style is that he wouldn't only directly promote his client. He always sets up an opponent for his client, and then goes all the way to sabotage the opponent. If the opponent is male, Bro Lychee will feminize him; if the opponent is female, he will call her a slut. His commercial bloggers will fill up the network with fabricated scandals and rumors about the opponent. He gives the opponent bad names, with the help of commercial bloggers leading a group of brainwashed haters, start conflicts and troubles everywhere. Then push the opponebts to the corner in the end. With the opponent’s name smeared, his client will rise to fame with a clean and innocent name.
Yes, that's just the process. Do you feel the whole process is familiar? Once you understand the above, then you would understand what's been going on now.
Actress Xiaoyu is another victim of Bro Lychee. She is extremely attractive and became a threat of one of the clients of Bro Lychee, Sister Lock. In order to clear the way for Sister Lock, just when Xiaoyu was about to get popular, Bro Lychee made up and spread all kinds of scandals of Xiaoyu, such as plastic surgery, being a call girl, having affairs, etc. After the breakup with her ex-boyfriend, Blackbear, Xiaoyu was "stabed" by Blackbear a couple of times as well. Blackbear used his network to sabotage Xiaoyu’s career, which caused her losing all her commercial endorsements. She almost got into severe depression.
Blackbear later dated Sister Lock for a couple of years. But his ending wasn't good either even he helpped out. After his breakup with Sister Lock when she was in the tax evasion scandal, his luck with the general public was reset to 0. Now he is the representative of the level 12 douchebag. Except show up in an entertainment TV show, he lost all interests from the general public. His career almost comes to an end.
When Bro. Lychee sets people up, does he need facts as back up? No. there is no need for him. It is all up to the pens of his commercial bloggers. They only need to produce the rumors.
When Bro Lychee got the PR case of Bro Lock, he already decided on his victim. Yes, I guessed it right, Bro. Sweetmellon. Bro Lock and Bro Sweetmellon has a CP fans super topic blog group, called BieJuYiGe. However, this super topic BieJuYiGe only has “BieJuYi”, but no “Ge” actually, do you get it? This BieJuYiGe super topic was created with a purpose from the very beginning. About one week prior to the breakout of Tutuchee, the Tutuchee blog was created. Days before the event, there were words going around in the CP super topic group in the background. Undercovers,pretending to be fans,started to stir up emotions within fans, some followed up by assuming fans with things they never did, and others launched the unprecedented cyber violence campaign on Bro Sweetmellon. All those were planned well at that time.
I believe most of you have already witnessed or experienced what happened next.
This unprecedented cyber violence has reshaped my views at the entertainment business. How despicable it can go.
However, as time goes on, I found that when this round the dark PR operations sweap through, flip around black and white within entertainment circle, when it goes out of the circle, with more and more people involved, this PR results actually became worse and worse, untill it goes out of control, and start to have opposite effect.
And, among so many cyberbully cases, this opposite effect only shows up in the case of Bro Sweetmellon. This is such a miracle!
This is because those social elites and intellectuals, and older fans are not easily to be deceived and succumb to cyber violence. The more educated the fan group is, the more difficult to have the desired cyberbully results.
This should also thank to Sweet Melon himself. He seems to have this magic power. He doesn't need to say anything, and people believe that he is not the kind of people those haters defamed. This kind of personality that it is so pure to the point that it does not need to prove itself, is very rare in the entertainment industry. You can say this is the only one.
Lychee’s commercial bloggers are mostly young, lower-classed people in the society. They would do any non-decent, even evil things just for that pity small amount of money.
The things they are good at are, to pick out or fabricate people's dark side non-stop, spread rumors non-stop, then enforce this kind of impression onto the general public, have the general public instantly related those with the victim: Oh, he or she, isn't he/she a bad celebrity?
However, with their level of education, how can these commercial bloggers possess the ability to persuade the group of people with much higher level of knowledge and critical thinking skill?
So some sharp people quickly found the problem. After taking out layers of fake information and sort of the events, people found out the truth.
Later, the evidences were as if they have legs themselve, when people follow their path, they automatically lead to the dark PR company which Bro Lychee and Flower Jie controlled.
Afterall everything leaves a trace on the internet. No matter how a fox is good at hiding, it'll still have times when it forgot to hide its tail. The tails of Bro Lychee and Flower Jie were dragged out by the netizen gradually.
After the pandemic situation was resolved, these commercial bloggers became the target in the country’s effort to create a cleaner cyber community. The leading cyberbully commercial IDs were closed. There are money behind each of such IDs. Bro Lychee is so painful about losing those money.
After all it's for the money that he started those operations. He only wants the fish die, he doesn't want the net broke. He still needs the net to attack other people in the future.
That is why Bro Lychee was quiet for a while after the fake-depression blogger, Chen Xiao Chen, turned out to be a hoax. At least this time, It was verified by WeiBo's investigation, that this hoax was to frame Bro Sweetmellon and his fans. Whether that was an indivual's choice or it was directed by the dark force behind is not important anymore. The most important thing is that the chosen victim was still Bro. Sweetmellon.
Although there were bunch of dark commercial IDs still wanted to revert the result by continuely defaming Bro. Sweetmelon, even after WeiBo published their investigation result. However, the officials already verify the incident, and that already changed the general public's view. If they keep doing those, they would be getting into serious troubles.
Then when Bro. Sweetmelon showed up in a quite high level of stage drama direct broadcast, those commercial haters didn't even have large scale attacks.
Bro Lychee started his campaign with such a high profile, everyone thought Bro Sweetmellon’s career would be over. However, He did not expect that he actually helpped to turn Bro Sweetmelon's fans into his life long fans, helpped to sell Bro Sweetmellon’s self-designed "big white disc" over 100 million. And helpped Bro Sweetmelon to attract a large group of high quality loyal rich fans who would have never become anyone’s fans, were it not because of the Tutuchee cyberbully incident.
And this group of people are the ones that once they become fans of a star, then they will not change anymore. They are the loyal type, and won't care about any other celebrities anymore.
So, Bro Lychee spent so much energy, so much money, came up with so many evil plans, but if Sweetmellon can voyage through the crisis safely in the end, Bro Lychee would be in great pain and loss. How could he screw up himself like that?
So we don’t need to overestimate Bro Lychee's IQ. His IQ is probably online only when he make up evil plans to attack people. When things get a little more complicated, then he can not set it straight anymore. Of course he is unwilling to admit his failure yet. He thinks if he can prevent Sweetmellon’s TV series from broadcasting, or defamed it even when it could be broadcasted, then he still has a chance to destroy Bro Sweetmellon and continue to encourage Bro Lock's motocycles.
At least it is said that Bro Lychee acquired the BieJuYiGe super topic group. Looks like he is very confident in Bro. Lock's bright future.
However Bro Lychee, do you still remember your Sister Lock? You should know the limit of your ability, right?
You are just a jumpping grass-hopper in the bottom of the society in someone's eyes. The one can not be presented openly. There people you can not save. There are also people you can not defame.
Bro Lychee has a unmentionable painful story. That is his strongly bonded Sister Lock. Sister Lock used to be the top of the tops in the entertainment industry. She was absolutely with the power to sweep through half of the entertainment circle, even her spit can be important.
Sister Lock used to be very very arrogant and at will, since she has Bro. Lychee protected her. So she didn't out on her guard tightly, and she offended someone she shouldn't. She thought herself to be invulnerable and ruffled feathers with someone she thought was nobody. However, this nobody was not a brass, but a queen! When Sister Lock realized that, it was already too late.
Someone reported Siser Lock. The submitted fake contract along with the real one, the financial information of her company were collected and sent to a TV host, Lao Ce, who was not so popular anymore.
There was this resentment between TV host Lao Ce and another rogue like director, PoKuZi. Sister Lock stared in a movie directed by PoKuZi, <<TV host and his secret lover's story>>. The movie was using Lao Ce as the original character. Lao Ce almost got into depression because of his distorted image pictured by that movie. So when PoKuZi wanted to ask Sister Lock to work in the 2nd part of the movie series, Lao ce was angry, and was trying to stop the movie from broadcasting. So when the evidences of Sister Lock' financial fraud were sent to Lao Ce, he directly sent those to State Administration of Taxation and didn't care about anybody who was asking for a favor to cover Sister Lock.
No matter how extensive Bro. Lychee's network was, and how evil his tactics were, he was not able to deal with the State Administration of Taxation. He can not revive Sister Lock's good reputation.
After paid over 80 millions with the unpaid taxes plus the fine, Sister Lock saved herself from going to the jail. Her image dropped to the bottom, and became a non-exixtance in the entertainment circle. Bro Lychee help her to advocate for her charity woks, praised and supported her to go back to the entertainment circle, but all the effort were in vain.
There were signs before Sister Lock lost completely. There were powerful people jumpped in. She was targeted when the male lead in her invested movie got into a sexual attack law suit in Austrilia already. The movie didn't make it through, her reputation was compaletely distroied, her unpaid taxes and fines couldn't be short of even one penny, her manager was put in jail, her more than 100 million of money was gone instantly. It was fatal, at every point.
With Bro. Lychee's level of ability, he could only be astonished.
As to the Tutuchee incident, is that power person watching? Believe me, he is.
After thoughts: The story tells us that there is karma for evil people. It won't forgive any.

Warning: the above is just a story. If there is any reflection of reality, it is just a coincidence.
2,885 条评论评论
- 憨逗笨母 10天前你这个大王不简单呐,高人不出手,出手必绝杀。想必阁下这次出山,有备而来,失敬失敬!在下从前处于江湖之外,偶尔吃瓜,所以有些瓜还吃得不甚清楚,结合前情往事,再看大王的故事,顿悟三分,奈何江湖水太深,剩下七分,且听大王下回分解!
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- 何妨一下楼11 10天前全部都看懂了,之前发过天涯大神回归,原来大神在这里还漏了一个[机智]其实锁子哥的前两个姐姐都进去了,就应该知道问题很大,再加上各种护体,片叶不沾身,是个清醒的人都会察觉不对劲,我只想知道这事会不会有结果?高人能否再将一军?
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- 爱杰有幸 10天前大王,挖一下yh二股东华人文化,和粉丝运营合作公关公司——蓝色光标(300058)
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- 穆丹枫作家 6天前我,我居然看懂了,😄,佩服一下自己。
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- 娱乐人生萌卡 9天前真不容易,我竟然都看懂了,看来我也没少受社会的毒打[捂脸]。吃了那么多瓜哥的瓜,不粉他都不行。有些事看在眼里,明白在心里,大家都是成年人有自己的思考和判断,也许现实更魔幻,颠倒三观,看着吧,多行不义必自毙,我们瓜哥挺住,未来可期!
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- SUZANNAvictory 9天前“这也得感谢瓜哥自己,他身上似乎有一种魔力,可以什么都不说,就能让人天然相信他不会是黑子污蔑的那种人。这种干净清澈到不言自明的气质,在娱乐圈是非常罕见的。”被虐成生命粉本粉,快40的人了,真看不下去,必须支持他,花钱花时间都值了
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- 不知其二 10天前我们这个岁数的人,谁没有经历过社会的毒打,谁没有经历过欺负、欺压、嫉妒、忌恨。我们看着瓜哥,就仿佛看到那个初入社会努力上进的自己。我们事业有成、家庭幸福,仿佛通过瓜哥的美好,与艰难的奋斗岁月和解。我们挺过来,也请瓜哥挺过来。你在娱乐圈,我们是粉丝,还是生命粉、妈妈粉、事业粉、护卫粉、理智粉、有钱买代言粉。日出东方,其道大光。河出伏流,一泄汪洋。冲冲冲!瓜哥!
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- 未来可期Hi 8天前#肖战# 文章很长,但是分析得很专业,值得一读。很喜欢里面的一种观点:没想到,帮瓜哥把粉丝虐成生命粉,瓜哥自己设计的白瓷大碟子卖了一个多亿,又帮瓜哥吸引进来一大波有钱又有脑子的高品质白金粉。这些粉,如果不是突突七网暴,他们绝对不会去粉任何明星,但是他们一旦粉了一个明星,基本就没别家什么事了。都是一心一意的主儿,再也不会换人了。#反对网络暴力 人人有责#
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- 塔塔105029946 10天前天涯大神和吃瓜大王都出山了,甜瓜哥这什么体质,想起3月初美股熔断的梗,某乎凸凸们说甜瓜哥要翻身除非美股熔断(这几乎是不可能发生的)等等等等,我查了一下,美股只熔断过五次,第一次是1997年10月27日,后四次都是在2020年3月,3月是甜瓜哥最黑的日子,凸凸们刚说完美股就熔断了一连四次,这把凸凸锤得死死的,这也是3月最黑暗时唯一能让我觉得不可思议又好笑的地方[捂脸][捂脸],当然甜瓜哥本质干净无黑料是根本。
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- 绘里认真地老去 10天前虽已立秋,吃完瓜神清气爽[呲牙]话说,那么多网暴案例中,反效果居然只出现在瓜哥身上,真是一个奇迹!这也得感谢瓜哥自己,他似乎有一种魔力,可以什么都不说,就能让人天然相信他不是黑子污蔑的那种人!我就喜欢这种干净清澈到不言自明的气质[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]期待大王下回分解[呲牙]
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- Midoking87 10天前烈焰,只有我们这种亲身经历过的人才能百分百读懂你的文章的每一个细节,这些事我们眼睁睁看着他一点一滴发展到现在,从开始一脸懵逼,到抽丝剥茧,层层清晰,我就是那个看了cql没有粉,却被突7整成生命粉的人,有房有车有事业,不必打成未成年,氪金公益打榜都不在话下,现在收起我的小钳子,等着想看这事最终怎么个结尾……
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- 慢慢悠悠地爬 9天前你是超级故事大王[赞]等你的续瓜三哦。 我一直都坚信战战背后是有高人的,看看战战走的每一步,哪一步不是卡在关节点?然后看看战战露面的这几次,扶贫,这是国家今年的战略性重点工作,我做过扶贫工作,演艺圈的人要搭上这班车可不是个简单事。曹禺先生诞辰110周年,战战的读后感、问题清单被递到了万老师的手上,谁递的? 霞姐们就应该静下心来,不要担心这担心那的,专注于正面宣传、转评赞。
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- 用户3963451885461 10天前瓜哥后面也有人保驾护航好吗,要不然早像黄海波一样道歉退圈了,几方资本利用网民和舆论争抢资源,吃瓜群众不要替有钱人操心了,谁胜谁负都是暂时的,娱乐圈更新换代太快了,静静看他们表演不香吗
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- 薛薛咫尺 8天前感谢作者大人 终于让我出坑 阿姨粉一枚 因yb饰演的Lz入心 各种考古安利倒是xz不甜不咸 有阶段自我意识粉 yb 太过痴迷 强戒半个多月 结果发现都是徒劳 正当一筹莫展之际 作者的生日瓜突然让我刷新三观 今天荔枝哥一文 彻底对 yb出坑 我相信他并不是幕后策划 但是对 xz的各种网暴抵制 他是有知情的 反观 xz被人策划无缘无故被黑半年 工作室拍摄的视频一如既往干净纯粹 我不是人云亦云之人 可是事实两人天上和地狱之差 让我这两天情感出现了偏离终结 我想yb终究不是lz 没能保护好wy 当初有多沉浸在两人打闹视频中 现在就有多清醒 戏演完了 感情也就散了 而我确实应该出坑了。
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- 青青与玉 10天前其实🔒哥我真还不太上眼,窟窿太多,时间的问题。哪个瓜哥我是放心的,时间问题,唯有不离不弃。最后念叨下策哥,好久不见,甚为想念!
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